
Our commitments...

Our commitments…

Our commitments…

With the fall season upon us, and a new work / ministry calendar before us, ITA believes it prudent to place before our partners and supporters by way of reminder some of our essential commitments:

  1. We are committed to the Bible. Our persuasion first and foremost is that Scripture be the foundation for our training of men for pastoral ministry in Italy. Our firm conviction is that the inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative, clear, and all-sufficient Word of God be the sole source for preaching and shepherding in the local church, and witnessing through the local church.
  1. We are committed to study. The absolute truth of Scripture and the divine nature of Scripture compel us to a persistent study of the Word, accurately cutting it straight. Our persuasion is to be progressing in truth (in sound doctrine and theology that is biblical).
  1. We are committed to preaching. We are persuaded that preaching is the absolute priority for the man and church of God. Our firm belief is that the need of the day for Bible believing churches in Italy is a profound and passionate habitual exposition of the whole counsel of God and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


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